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The Parker Family
of Medon, Madison County,
David Parker, son of Edward Parker, and wife, Sarah Parker, lived in Rowan County which later became Davie County, North Carolina for many years. Several of their children married and began families of their own as the years went bye.
1815 Rowan County, Tax List of Capt. Tabb's Compy for the Year 1815
David Parker 1WP 2 BP 155 acres adjoining Forman heirs
David Parker 1 Tavern
Evidence would suggest that David was prosperous as was his son, Henry. David may have owned a Tavern in Davie County. Sometime before March 01, 1825 David passed away. We do not know the cause of David's death.
It appears that several of the children of
David Parker moved to TN. The three principal Parker children being Henry S.,
Uriah and Susanna. They sold their part of the family farm of 160 acres in 1825.
At some point in the following years, Henry S. and Susanna, with her husband Ishmael Bailey, traveled to western Tennessee and made southern Madison County their new home, their mother, Sally, accompanied and resided with Henry S. Parker after their arrival in Madison County, TN. There may have been minor children not mentioned at the time of the sale of the property. Rebecca Parker is another noted child of David Parker.
Dates quoted by various records are in conflict. Some suggest the family left in 1826 and I've seen 1832 quoted.
Ishmael Baily ( Bailey ) and wife Susaana are listed in the TN census records as being in Madison County, TN by 1830.
References in Henry S. Parker's expense book mentions June 27, 1832 "Expenses going to Tennessee" suggesting he moved to TN in 1832.
At any rate Henry Parker and Ishmeal Bailey,
husband of Susanna Parker,with their families settled in Madison County, TN sometime after
1826 and probably before 1833. There they lived and raised their families in and about the
small town of Medon, TN.
Henry S. Parker and his wife, Susan Francis nee
Pinkston Parker where married in 1829. According to marriage records , they were married
in Rowan County, NC.
Henry S. built a two-room home at what is now known as the Parkburg Community - 4 miles east of Medon and 4 miles west of Pinson.
When they came to the location in what is now Parkburg they were impressed with the abundance of good water springs and decided to build where they did. Henry kept a account book ( see below ) which reflects that the family move cost 65.58 and 1/2 cents to move from NC to Madison County, TN.
Source: Parker Family Ancestry March 1986
Source Family Files at Jackson, Madison County, TN, Library
According to Godspeed there were 9 children born of which 8 were raised by Henry and his
wife Susan.
H. Parker M. D., was born in North Carolina in 1832, and is the son of Henry S. (the S
standing for Sharp possible, based on information supplied in the work by Effie Dean Rogan
Giles, "The
Story of John and Susan Flinn") and Susan F. (Pinkerton) Parker, both of whom
were natives of North Carolina and came to Tennessee in 1832. The father was a successful
farmer and raised a family of eight children of nine born to himself and his wife. He was
a useful citizen, his death occurring in this county April 15, 1855, his wife following
him to the grave, March 10 1870.
David H. was reared as farmer, passing his youth without noteworthy event and in 1850 beginning the study of medicine, continuing a year and a half. In the autumn of 1851 he entered the Botanical Medicine College at Memphis, from which institution he graduated in 1853. He returned to the village of practice, which he continued until the present time. Medon, TN where he now lives and commenced the
In 1853 he married Maria T. Reeves, of this county, daughter of Mauldin and Nancy Reeves, who was born in this State in 1826 and is the mother of three children, two whom are yet living: Sarah E. (wife of Dr. Geo. Lacy) and Susan F. (wife of William Pope). Dr. and Mrs. Parker are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church South. He is a mason and a democrat and in 1886 was elected justice of the peace.
Excerpt from Madison County, Tenn., by Godspeed
Be sure to visit this page for more on the Parker Family including David H. Parker's siblings
More info on Parker Family
North Carolina
Sarah Parker departed this life on the 8th of April in the year of our Lord 1840.
First account in this book is with JOSEPH PEARSON, begun in North Carolina,
December 4, 1827, and carried on after removal to Tennessee. The move to
Tennessee (Madison County) was made, as itemized expense account shows,
June 27, 1832 "Expenses going to Tennessee" and last item is July 17, 1832 "Lodging at -50 cents and on jin in Lonville (?)--62 1/5 cents." Total cost of move shows to be $65.58 1/2 cents. (Note: This is in pencil, all figures plain, but notes not always so.)
In North Carolina:
"Paid to T. S. Parker --ob 2b 1828 ( T. may stand for Turner)
April 1, 1828 "Recd of Richmond Pearson $30 money belonging to Joseph Pearson"
August 18, 1828 "Recd of Richmond
Pearson for Jos. Pearson $10
Feb. 28, 1829 "Recd of Richmond Pearson for Jos. Pearson $51.50 for H
April 9, 1828 "Paid Hardy for recording deed -- 70 cents 1828-30 acct John M. Hardy
August 8, 1828 Bot of Jno Murphy 212 lbs. ---? for gate of grave yard --$15,
March 20, 1829 Pd. Win. Baugh in full. Thomas Craige also Robert Newton Craig
Sept. 1 829 - Dec. 183 1 account with James Craig, also Archibald Craig, Burton Craig.
Dec. 1829 to Sept. 1831 account with Jesse Pinkston
June - Nov. 1831 David Pinkston
Aug. - Sept. 1830, Mrs. Margaret Pinkston
1830- Burton Craig
Dec 1831 to June 17, 1832 Peter Pinkston Acct. Also 1830
Dec. 23, 1829 - Aug. 1 832 Michael H. Swink
June 1830 -31 (settled Jan. "32 Michael H. Swink
Jan. 1830 -31 (settled Jan. 1832 Peter J. Swink)
Guardian for Henry, Evelin and Catherine Swink Aug. 1827- Nov. 1830
Nov. 1832-Jan. 1833 - Leonard Parker
Nov. 1832 - April 1833 - Miles Parker (HSP going security for Miles Parker)
Nov. 1840 - 1841 - Domsey Parker ( note this may be Dempsey Parker ms)
June 1833 - Peter Pinkston worked for Henry S. Parker one year for $10.00 per month.
Feb. 18, 1835-37 Peter Pinkston and Henry S. Parker partners in enterprise.
1834 - Account with Coln Fisher: 1835 John Fisher
Jan. 1838-1840 - Peter J. Swink
Feb. 18, 1840 - Paid Parson Thomas Garland $16.00 for schooling Mary Ann and Lurina
Parker in 1839
Dec. 2, 1840 Make sale to Daniel Booe
Nov. 1832-1839 - Ishmael Bailey ( note Henry was named the Excutor of the Estate of Ishmael who died in probably, the fall of 1854. Due to declining health, Henry's son David Hardie Parker and Robert S. Reeves were later named to the role of Executor. Henry himself died shortly there after in April of 1855. After Ishmael Bailey's death, his orphaned grandchildren, went to reside with their Uncle Henry S. Parker who was appointed their guardian. Following Henry's death the Guardianship was settled for the children of James McGuire. )
Jan. 1833 to Ishmael Bailey dr to cash paid in Jackson - $20.00
Nov. 1832, James Garrett; June 1839-1840 Alphard Garrett; A. L. Garrett; 1840, Jackson
Garrett- 1840
NOTES: H. S. Parker was a large slave owner, and births and events with reference to slaves are recorded near those of his own family. Only one time does it show sale of a slave, this item: 'Sale Sambo in the fall 1832.
Sarah Parker (mother of H. S. Parker and wife of David Parker (who died in North Carolina) died April 8, 1840, and is buried in the Hudson family burying ground. There was a marker, but it has been broken and cannot now be located. She died at a very advanced age - in eighty, I have been told. Hudson burying ground is not far from the Parker Cemetery, which is near the home now occupied by fifth generation of Parkers and which was the home of the H. S. Parker family.
Letter from David H Parker
Medon, Tennessee Jan (page torn) (probably 1871)
Dear Cousin, Your very kind letter of the 5th Inst is just to hand. You know not how proud I was to hear from you. I had almost despaired of ever hearing from you any more. I did not know where to write to you or I would have written many times to you. This leaves me in the enjoyment of excellent health. My family is all well. My family is small, consisting of my wife and two daughters both of whom are about grown (line in the fold I cant read)
are going to school.. They have a very good English education. We never had but three children. The youngest was a sprightly boy. He died during the war. My father died in 1855. My mother died last March. Sister Lavinia died 12 or 14 years ago. She married D Johnston. Sister Mary Smith is living near Medon. (Two lines faded out)
The 4th one is making a Dr of himself. Has just
returned from the lectures the ? course. Mr Smith died last April. Sister Lurena died the
30th of December last. She left five children. The oldest is (page tarn) she married an
Irishman by the name of Murtaugh. He is a good clever man. He is my partner in the Drug
and Grocery business. Lurena had been married twice. Married Rob Reeves the first time and
James Thornton the last time. She had no children by Thornton. Brother Henry has bought my
fathers old place and is living there. He has wife and three children living. Two
boys and one girl. Sister Susan is living in Texas. Married John ? (word there but I
cant read it). She has several children. Sister Nancy married a man by the name of
Bowlin. they are living in Mississippi doing very well. They have about five children.
Sister Margaret has never married. She is ling with me. You can see that we have had many
deaths in our family, and that the rest of us are badly scattered. I am still living in
Medon, practicing medicine. I have a very good practice. I am the oldest physician in the
place. There are two others, both nice clever men. I lost much of my property during the
war. I can still make a good living if I can have health. I was not in the Army at all,
stayed at home and attended to my business. I carry on a little farming, make my own bread
and meat. I have Anderson Butler, colored, to farm for me. He is an excellent farmer. My
fathers old servants are scattered to the four winds. Some of them are in Memphis.
The most of the old setters are dead that you use to know. David Henry and Obadiah Butlers
are all dead. Their wives are dead excepting David Butlers. She is still living. All of
David Butlers children dead but Oliver, Tom & John Butlers are married and doing well.
Tom married Wilbourn Swinks oldest daughter. Geo W McGuire has moved to Texas. He has a
wife and several children. He still took spells of drinking. He hasnt been gone but
a few months. The emigration from our country was pretty heavy last fall. I some times
think I want to move west. Then I think I can do better here than I could anywhere else.
Every body knows me here and have confidence in me as a physician. Then I conclude to be
content for a spell. My fatherinlaw, Mauldin Reeves is still living. He is 90
years old, has been badly crippled up, and has to go on crutches. He lives with me a good
portion of his time. He is the oldest man in our neighborhood. I want you to write to me
often. Give me your office at home. Tell me all about your family. How you are getting
along. Tell me where Dinisha is, how she is doing. Write to me as soon as you receive
this. I have sold my Arkansas land to Christien Cline for one thousand dollars. He has
paid me six hundred. Tell me how I can find you if I go up the Ark River this year. If I
can leave I want to make a trip up in that country and if I do I want to visit you.
Cant you come to see us all soon.. I am glad to know that you have got to be a
lawmaker. Am in hopes that your record and deportment will be such that your constituents
will send you back when your times expire. Tell me what you think of the Ft Smith Country.
Tell me where you think the best country in Ark is. Now I have tried in as brief a manner
as I could to give you the out lanes of shaping events for the last 15 years. And now I
must close asking you again to write often and write long. It has been so long since. I
heard from you. Oh dont do so no more. Write, write. I have taken Sister
Lurinas youngest boy to raise. He is 9 years old. As ever yours.
D H Parker
David Hardie Parker)
Letter from David H Parker
Letter to James L. Garner
From: Dr. David H. Parker
Bear Creek __________ 18_3 (Possible 1853)
Dear Cousin
I seat myself this morning in order to write you a few lines. This leaves me in the enjoyment of ______ ________ also all of the family and family connections. I hope these few lines may find you and family in the enjoyment of good health. Now cousin it has been a long time since I have heard from you. The cause I attributed to Interruption between you and father. Now cousin ______________ __________with me because he should blame you it is no reason why I should. I wish you to understand me I never have thought any less of you. You often come up in my mind and I wish I could see you. We have lived together as friends & rela___. The spark of love in my bosom have never have extinguished, as it has been too long since I have written to you. I hardly know how to commence. On the ninth day of January last I was taken with Typhoid & pneumonia. I came as hear dying as ever any human. _______________confined to by bed about four months and it was even more before I was able to do any thing. Last year was the sickliest year that I have seen. A good many deaths amongst them I will name old Mrs. Parker went to her master. Collins wife _____Her ___________________
page 2,
Cousin you will do me a favor to answer this let me know how you are getting along also aunt Becca and cousin Dinisha. Tell them I would like very much to hear from them and much better to see them. Medon has improved considerably since you left. There are two churches, three Drug good stores, three groceries & ___. You will please write me about that land who is living on it what it is worth ___. Write me how you like the married life what sort of a lady you have. How many children you have, and all about the __?____ that are out there, I would like very much to see you. I think if I have good health I will visit you next spring. I want to see that country and also Texas, I expect to move west in a year or two. I am doing a good practice I have ___? ___ fathers for this year. There is not much sick?__ here at this time. Ruben ___? Moved to some part of Ark. last fall. John is teaching school. Westbrook is in Texas making a? foretine? practicing medicine. Charley is out there too. John Blackwood is teaching a school in the settlement of ? ____?. I must come to a close give my love and respects to aunt & family Dinisha and family and all inquiring friends. Write to me without fail, as I am very ____ to hear from you. I am with __? regard your affectionate cousin until death. Excuse Bad writing and spelling.
Goodbye David H. Parker
More on the Edward Parker Family Genealogy - North Carolina ( page 1 ) | more on Edward Parker Family of Davie County ( page 2)| 2 articles on Edward Parker home in Davie Co. , NC , Letter from Armand T. Daniel on Parker Ancestry 1964
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Page Created 11/99 Marvin Schubert Revised: August 25, 2006. |
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