Hezekiah Newman |
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The following is an exploration of who Hezekiah Newman was, who his descendents are, and who his forefather's were:
HEZEKIAH NEWMAN was born Abt. 1783 in Georgia based on 1850 census records, and died December 03, 1850 in Amite County, Mississippi. He married (1) DEBORAH DUPREE Abt. 1809 in Amite County, Mississippi. She was born Abt. 1788, and died before 1823 in Amite County, Mississippi. He then married (2) NANCY COCKERHAM on April 29, 1823 in Amite County, MS. She was born 1802 in Barnwall District, South Carolina and died October 21, 1843 in Amite County, Mississippi.1.
Some of what we know about Hezekiah is made available in the 1850 Census records. These records reflect Hezekiah was born in Georgia about 1783. Who Hezekiah's parents are is still unknown although several hypothesis are available which we will explore.
Hezekiah Newman - 1850 Census Records of Amite County, MS Household 167
Name | age | Sex | Occupation | Born |
Hezekiah | 67 | M | Farmer | Georgia |
Elizabeth | 20 | F | Miss. | |
Seaborn | 17 | Farmer | Miss. | |
Silas | 17 | Farmer | Miss. | |
Martin | 12 | Miss. |
We know that Hezekiah was enumerated in Amite Co. , MS. as early as 1810. He would have been about age 27 at the time. Other Newmans identified at the time were Solomon and George Newman. It may be that these men were all related but we have a bit more research to do to prove that.
Some of the earliest record on file in Amite County records a William Newman
(a) White males over 21
including Heads of Families
(b) White Males under 21
(c) White Females of all ages
(d) Free Colored Males over 21
(e) Other free persons of Color
(f) Slaves
NAME | A | B | C | D | E | F |
William Newman | 1 | 2 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Hezekiah could have been listed as under age 21 in William's household if he had been a member of that household. He should have been age 22 at the time of the enumeration so it is not conclusive that he was a member of William's household.
The fact that in 1810 Hezekiah along with George and Solomon Newman were the only Newman's enumerated may well suggest some kinship although at this time, there is no conclusive evidence that Hezekiah was related to these other Newman men.
A. J. Newman shared the
following regarding Hezekiah serving in the War of 1812.
On page 214 of a book entitled "JOHN
COCKERHAM, Barnwell District, SC -- Amite County, MS AND HIS
DESCENDANTS" (A Progress Report) list Hezekiah as a private
in the War of 1812 in Lieut. Col. Neilson's Detachment
Mississippi Militia in Capt. William A. Lucas's Company. This
book is 398 pages and was published in 1987 by Copy-Right,
Inc. Georgetown Texas. My cousin Dora Nell Shepperd
Kauffman did the compilation and editing of this book. It
has a lot of information on the descendants and related families
of Hezekiah Newman. If you, or anyone else would like me to
research a particular name(s) I would be happy to do help out.
In 1816 the State of MS. conducted a Census of Amite County.
The results of that Census reflects
Head of Families
or Hez. Newman
Solomon Newman
family appeared on the 1830 Amite Co, Ms census, p 40:
Hezekiah Newman 1 M 40-50 1F 20-30
1 M 30-40 1F -5
1 M 15-20
1 M 10-15
1 M 5-10
1 M -5
Records reflect Hezekiah bought some land in Amite County March 1,1832 from Richard Hurst.
In 1833 when the canvass was made by the Amite and Florida
Auxiliary Bible Society for the purpose of ascertaining all
families "...of Amite County who are destitute each of a
full copy of the holy scriptures..." in Captain Lea's beat,
Thomas Tarver, Hezekiah Newman, Thomas Cockerham and Abram
Rushing. 31
In Jan of 1849, Seaborn Newman,
Silas Newman and Elizabeth Newman, minors over the age of 14, and
their father Hezekiah Newman having waived his rights, asked that
the Court appoint James Eubanks their guardian.32 On the same
day, James H. Lowry appointed James Eubanks Guardian of minors
Seaborn Silas, Elizabeth and Martin Newman, their petition
showing "they are minors more than fourteen years of age and
sons and daughter of Hezekiah Newman...they are heirs at Law of
the Estate of David Cockerham Decd., late of the State of
.... Bond was set at $400, Geo F. Webb, Bondsman.33 No records
were located to show whether this resulted in any benefit to the
minors of Nancy (Cockerham) Newman.
Nancy (Cockerham) Newman died at her home on 21 Oct 1843.
Hezekiah Newman died 3 December l85O. Their place of burial is
unknown. They were probably buried in unmarked graves in the old
Cockerham Cemetery in Amite County.
On 10 December 1850, James Eubanks applied for letters of Adm. on
the estate of Hezekiah Newman deceased; Adm. was granted. Bond
set at $400, James Cockerham and Davie Myers Bondsmen. Appraisers
were appointed and the court ordered the Adm. advertise for all
persons having claims against the estate of 36 Hezekiah Newman to
present them. On 17 Dec 1850 James Eubanks was granted permission
to sell on a credit of six months the perishable property of the
estate. Several claims were presented and allowed.37 On 20 Jan
1852 Solomon Newman petitioned the court for letters of
guardianship of minors Silas Newman and Martin Newman. Letters of
Guardianship were approved, bond set at $300, James Eubanks and
William G. Davis, Bondsmen.
After the death of their Father, Solomon Newman was Guardian of
(Page 216)his minor brothers Silas and Martin. In 1859 he made
application for bounty land for these minors and also for minor
Seaborn Newman on the service of Hezekiah Newman in the War of
My trek in discovering Hezekiah was set in motion by some data on the LDS's CD's at the library. Hezekiah was identified as Elias' father, my great great Grandfather. Also identified were two of Elias' daughters, Mary Adeline and Sarah Jane as well as two of his possible three wives, Nancy Harkness and Susan Nolen. As I am from the line associated with the children of Susan Nolen, I was unaware of the other branch of the family. There were at least 5 individuals identified by LDS's materials as submitters. I plan to contact as many as possible to build a better understanding of the family.
I have been in contact with Jeffery Smith and he has shared a substantial amount of information on his line which goes through Elias' daughter Sarah.
I also went to Amite County in April of 99 and made copies of several probate documents on Hezekiah.
Most of them dealt with the assignment of guardianship of his underage children. Evidently Hezekiah became incapacitated about 1849 or died. He was identified in the 1850 census which presented the dilemma as to why guardianship was necessary. Some of his brother in laws were awarded guardianship while in 1852 Solomon, his oldest son by Nancy Cockerham requested and was awarded the task.
Additional documents speak to the death of the children's grandfather Cockerham and the rights they had to his estate.
There was a note called for payment that was on file as well. I did not find a will at the court house. I will probably scan these items and make them available at a latter date.
Another researcher suggested that Jonathan may be Hezekiah's father and Joseph his brother. As of the present, I have not been able to substantiate the relationship. As to the accuracy of Johnathan being Hezekiah's father, more proof would be nice before I would want to accept that as a valid premise. So at the current time, we will entertain that as a hypothesis.
There was a Johnathan Newman who had a Will dated 3/11/1823 that reflects
Solomon Newman, my son
2. Margaret Armstrong, my deceased daughter - minor heir of my
deceased daughter Margaret Armstrong
Johnathan Newman Armstrong
Elizabeth Newman Armstrong
Margaret Newman Armstrong
3 . Mary Newman, my daughter
I also looked at the theory that Jonathan may be a descendent of Walter Newman, but have not made that connection with either.
Here is a more detailed Genealogy Report on the children of Hezekiah ( short version below )
Descendants of Hezekiah Newman
1 Hezekiah Newman b: Abt. 1783 in Georgia based on 1850 census records d: December 03, 1850 in Amite County, Mississippi
.. +Deborah Dupree b: Abt.
1788 d: Bef. 1823 in Amite County, Mississippi
......... 2 Elias Newman b: Abt. 1810 in Mississippi d:
Abt. 1865
............. +Nancy Harkness b: 1817 in probably Amite County,
Mississippi d: Abt. 1847 in MS
.................... 3 child Newman b: Abt. 1839
.................... 3 Mary Adaline Newman b: November 22, 1840
in Liberty, Amite, Mississippi d: October 25, 1914 in Annis,
Jefferson, ID
........................ +Robert Griffin Scott b: 1836 in
Liberty, Amite Co., Ms. d: Bef. 1881
.................... *2nd Husband of Mary Adaline Newman:
........................ +George Herman Cutler b: April 17, 1849
in Yorktown, York, PA
.................... 3 child Newman b: Bef. 1847 in
Hazelhurst,Copiah, Mississippi
.................... 3 Sarah Jane Newman b: January 08, 1847 in Brookhaven, Lincoln,
Mississippi d: July 25, 1911 in North Ogden, Weber, UT
........................ +John Thomas Ray b: Bet. 1840 - 1843 in
South Carolina
.................... *2nd Husband of Sarah Jane Newman:
........................ +Alfred Berrett b: January 13, 1825 in
Steeple, Ashton, Wiltshire, England d: May 12, 1912 in North
Ogden, Weber, UT
......... *Maybe 2nd Wife of Elias Newman:
............. +Luclus Brookhaven
......... *3rd Wife of Elias Newman:
............. +Susan Nolen b: Abt. 1834 in Mississippi d: Unknown
in Texas
.................... 3 Frances Newman b: January 15, 1852 in Lawrence
County, Mississippi d: October 14, 1939 in Brister Cemetary
outside Cambellton, Atascosa County, Texas
........................ +Wiley Frank Brister b: May 11, 1838 in
Texas d: April 13, 1913 in Atascosa County, Texas
.................... 3 George W. Newman b: Abt. 1855 in
........................ +Mrs. Alejandra Rodriguez mesa
.................... 3 Rosana Newman b: Abt. 1857 in Mississippi
........................ +Eugenio Deleon b: in Mexico
.................... 3 Seaborn Newman b: February 22, 1858 in Lawrence
County, Mississippi d: February 09, 1925 in Taft, Texas, San
Patricio County
........................ +Arreny Ann Hesskew b: January 18, 1867
in old San Patricio, San Patricio Co, Texas d: July 18, 1937 in
Taft, Texas, San Patricio County
.................... 3 Elizabeth Newman b: Abt. 1859 in Natchez,
Adams County, MS d: 1915 in Brady, Texas
........................ +Valenzuela
.................... *2nd Husband of Elizabeth Newman:
........................ +Hipolito Acosta b: in Mexico
.................... *3rd Husband of Elizabeth Newman:
........................ +Luis Rodriquez
.................... 3 Nancy Newman b: Abt. 1862 in Mississippi
........................ +Cliofus Agira b: 1849 in Mexico
.................... 3 Susan B. Newman b: 1864 in Lousiana
......... 2 Benjamin Newman b: Abt. 1813 in MS
............. +Catherine Price b: Abt. 1813 in Brookhaven,
Franklin County, Mississippi
.................... 3 Celia Ann Newman b: Abt. 1837 in
Brookhaven, Franklin County, Mississippi
........................ +Isaac Hamilton"Ham" Tarver b:
1830 in Mississippi
.................... 3 Melissa Newman b: Abt. 1845 in Franklin
County, Mississippi
.................... 3 Solomon Newman b: Abt. 1847 in Franklin
County, Mississippi
.................... 3 Emaline Newman b: Abt. 1849 in Franklin
County, Mississippi
.................... 3 Samuel Newman b: Abt. 1851 in Franklin
County, Mississippi
.................... 3 Francis Newman b: Abt. 1853 in Franklin,
.................... 3 Rufus Newman b: Abt. 1855 in Franklin,
.................... 3 child Newman b: Abt. 1843 in Franklin,
*2nd Wife of Hezekiah Newman:
.. +Nancy Cockerham b: 1802 in Barnwall District,
South Carolina d: October 21, 1850 in Amite County, Mississippi
......... 2 Solomon Newman b: June 22, 1824 in Liberty, Amite
Co., Ms. d: May 17, 1860
............. +Mary Jane Ryals b: 1833 in Liberty, Amite Co., Ms.
.................... 3 George W. Newman b: 1855 in MS
.................... 3 James Newman b: 1858 in MS
......... 2 James Newman b: December 27, 1826 in Amite
County, Mississippi d: November 07, 1884
............. +Penelope Eloisa Davis b: 1828 in Liberty, Amite
Co., Ms.
.................... 3 Joseph Bogan Newman b: August 10, 1861 in
MS d: August 14, 1941 in Texas
........................ +Nancy Eudora Smith
.................... 3 Samuel Newman b: July 29, 1853 in MS d:
1853 in MS
.................... 3 William Mullins Newman b: 1856
.................... 3 Ozias Davis Newman b: 1858
.................... 3 Martha Caroline "Carrie" Newman
b: 1864
.................... 3 John Silas Newman b: 1866
.................... 3 Hezekiah Benjamin Newman b: 1869
.................... 3 James Charles Newman b: 1872
.................... 3 Pearla Clara Newman b: 1874
.................... 3 Myrtis Emma Newman b: 1877
......... 2 Elizabeth Newman b: March 15, 1830 in Amite County,
............. +L. W. Duck b: 1826 in Liberty, Amite Co., Ms.
......... *2nd Husband of Elizabeth Newman:
............. +J. J. McDaniel
......... 2 Hezekiah Duncan Newman b: January 25, 1832 in Amite
County, Mississippi d: Aft. 1840 in Amite County, Mississippi
......... 2 Seaborn Newman b: August 17, 1833 in Amite County,
............. +Rebecca C. Foster
......... *2nd Wife of Seaborn Newman:
............. +Elizabeth Purser b: 1840 in Liberty, Amite Co.,
......... 2 Silas Newman b: August 17, 1833
............. +Laura A. Graves b: 1840 in Liberty, Amite Co., Ms.
......... 2 Martin Van Buren Newman b: Bet. 1836 - 1838 in Amite
County, Mississippi d: 1920 in Jeff Davis Memorial Home for
Confederate Soldiers
............. +Cinta Gary
Head of Households in S.C. in 1790 were Alexander Newman - Orangeburg
District Possible Hezekiah's father would have been one of the above men? But then if Hezekiah was born before the 1790 Census and in Georgia ( 1784) as reflected in the 1850 census....Then his father would have already been in Georgia. But the information in the 1850 Census could be inaccurate. |
Miss. Links to Surrounding CountiesAdams County, MS |
There was another Seab Newman in Miss about this time, 1850, but I don't much think he related. See Winston County Miss. Census info below
Winston DIVISION: Subdivision No. 22 REEL NO:
M432-382 PAGE NO: 369BREFERENCE: Enumerated on the 14th day of
Oct 1850 by William B Smith
3 756 762 Newman Elizabeth 65 F Geo. X
4 756 762 Newman Seborn 10 M Miss
5 756 762 Newman Prudy 8 F Miss
Also Would like to explore the following wills some day
Mississippi Wills
Ezekiel Newman Adams County I-490 1831
Isaac Newman Adams County A-108 1841
Reuben Warren 1828
Benjamin Jefferson Co. A-29 1818
Thomas R. Warren A-147 1830
Sally Warren A-9 1830
Simeon Jefferson A-86 1825
Uriah Carroll A-15 1839
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Brister family information on
the family of Frankie Newman
Map of
created 3/20/99
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Revised: December 03, 2000.