The following are correspondence letters and notes in my reserch of the orgins of the W.D. Berry Family
Sunday, March 19, 2000 1:47 PM
HI. I am related to the Berry's in Orange
County NC and have considerable information on our Family. The
family was in Orange County as Early as 1757 and have been in the
same area every since . There were children of the original
settler that went to Georgia and possibly Tenn. W. D Berry
would be in the age group of the grand children of our original
Robert Berry who had 8 sons and 2 daughters. The children were
Robert, Joshua, Thomas, William, David, Henry, John, Issac,
MaryBerry Kemp/Camp. These names are all mention in their fathers
will of which I have a copy. I think there is a good
possability that W.D. Berry is connected to our family. The
picture of John Watt Berry would pass for an identical brother to
my uncle who was born a good many years later. My uncle who is
still alive never wore a beard but otherwise the could easily be
Benjamin Berry Henderson
Marvin Schubert wrote:
Hi Ben
Appreciate your correspondence
It seems viable that we may be of the same clan. Do your
records tell much about your Issac? Year of birth? possible an
early death? spouse? Our family information reflects only 1
child, Wm that grew to adult hood. Thats generally unusual in
that day and time, unless there was a death? Any information you
can share would be much appreciated. There are several
of us reserching the family and this is one of the best leads of
seen in some time. Orange County, huh? Did the majority of the
family stay in NC ? Have more questions, but I'll let you respond
----- Original Message -----
To: Marvin Schubert
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2000 3:45 PM
Subject: Re: W.D. Berry
Marvin: My Issac was about 12 years old or so at the time his
fathers wrote his will ( 1812 ) because his brother Henry was put
in charge of Issac's inheritance until he became of reason. Issac
was never listed on any census or I have never found it.
There was another brother Robert who had two sons under 10 years old and one son under 5 in the 1830 census. I have a very solid and provable line from me all the way back to 1757 and a lot of information on the ten children of the older Robert Berry but also have some holes. With a few names that I cannot attach to a particular father. There were a lot of sons from these eight boys. My line was Robert--William--Thomas Person--John Robert--Wiley P--My Mother and me.
Sunday, March 19, 2000 6:40 PM
Marvin I forgot to tell you that Riley is an Orange
County family along with Holeman and Gates, Richard Holeman owned
land that joined Robert Berry's land in 1860. Gates also owned
land very close to the Berry land. I think there is a lot of
evidence that I have that will help your search. Mary Berry Camp
removed to Georgia sometime after 1782. I have documentation on
her in Orange County that year. I first found her information on
WFT Vol.5 pedigree #41. I have since found court records with her
and her fathers names on them. She was also named in her fathers
will as Mary Kemp. David Berry m Mary Blalock Feb 1797 and listed
in 1800-1810-1820 Orange Coumty census. The Older Robert
died about 1814 and David moved to Fayette County Georgia and was
in the Georgia census in 1830. Thomas Berry m Sarah Cate 11 Aug
1800 and may have moved to Tenn. Check WFT Vol 12 pedigree
3620. William m Hannah Cate 12 Aug 1799 and his family stayed in
Orange County. He is in my line. Joshua Berry, Young Robert
Berry, and Henry Berry lived their entire lives in Orange County.
John, Mary Kemp and Thomas were deceased by 1812 when Old Robert
wrote his will. Elizabeth had a daughter Mary but I don't have
any further info on her. Some of the family still owns some of
the original Land Grant in Orange County I think. If it is
not part of the original grant property it is very close to where
I think the original grant was. Henry got the Original Plantation
and a lot of the family was living with him in 1820 census, If
Issac was married at
that time he and his wife were probably listed in that census.
his listing was: males 121111females 2011. I live in Raleigh and
have spent a lot of time in the State archives. I also have been
to Hillsborough several times at the Register of Deeds office
where they have lots of old deeds.
I will let you digest this and see if generates some questions. I would like to have a copy of John Watt Berry's photo. My mother is 91 years old and is still living b herself . She had collected a lot of post 1900 stuff which is what got me started about 2 1/2 years ago searching this family. I have about 2000 names in my Berry Tree at this time and have some more that I could add. All of it is not proven but is pretty reliable I think.
Orange County NC - MARRIAGES - Marriage Bonds A - C, Indexed by Groom
Groom | Bride | Date of Bond | Bondsman only |
Berry, David | Mary Blealock | 21 Feb. 1797 | Henry Waggoner |
Berry, Eli | Judy Betsey Taylor | 21 Dec. 1846 | Henderson Taylor |
Berry, Hanry | Lucy Weaver | 14 May 1835 | James Shepard |
Berry, James H. | Emley McCullock | 16 Jan. 1856 | James H. Berry |
Berry, John | Elizabeth Vincent | 6 Mar. 1827 | Jesse Hargrave |
Berry, John R. | Bettie F. Bowling | 28 Nov. 1865 | James Allison |
Berry, Joshua | Nancy Ellison | 28 Jan. 1792 | Henry Terryl |
Berry, Lewis | Sally Tolar | 13 Oct. 1828 | H. Terry Maden |
Berry,Thomas | Elizabeth Carter | 15 Apr. 1791 | ? ? |
Berry, Thomas | Sarah Cate | 11 Aug. 1800 | John Cate |
Berry, Thomas | Mary Berry | 7 Mar. 1809 | Henry Berry |
Berry, Thomas Person | Sarah Lunsford | 28 Sept. 1831 | Henry Berry |
Berry, William | Hannah Cates | 12 Aug. 1799 | Thomas Berry |
Berry, William | Sally Bowles | 20 Nov. 1826 | Wm. Taylor |
Berry, William H. | sarah Francis King | 28 july 1857 | C.S. Dungan |
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