7/19/44 Robstown, Texas
Mrs. Frances Irene Krumrey
Kelso Wash.
Dear daughter
Your letter recived, an was sure glad to here from you. This leaves all well. Had a letter from Tom yesterday he said that he was told that he would be sent some where in from two days to two weeks. He dident know where.
So I guess Happy will come in pretty soon. She sure will have a spoilt kid to contend with when she gets back. I will probly get some relief... he just hangs on to me every where I go. We have been thrashing grain an we couldn't hardly do any thing for the kids Mills has a bunch Homer was here about a dozen mex. an Lilian an her baby. R.B. boys.
It sure was a mess here for a few days. Homer and Robert left for Taft to day with the combine. We bought a combine. Hope they dont get recked on the road. I still have my corn togeather yet.
I am goeing after Dolly at Hutto Thursday if nothing happens. She wants to come home an I sure need her. Dont be in to big a hurry about comeing back an if you need any money, just send me a wire.
I dont think that Ida is all that bad any way you dont have to smoke till you feel her out. Be sure an get acquanted with Inez an get to know her before you come home. She is your half sister. You ought to get along with her pretty good. Tell her that I am kinder figuring on comeing to see her my self, one of these days. Old lady Petters just come over an got Tomy. Wanted to take him over to see her mother.
Sam was here last night brought a watter mellon. The radio keeps talking about a terable explousin in Cal. killing a lot of people.
I havent ever got it straight yet.
Hope Minnie has heard from her boy an that he is still Ok. I guess Jim is getting pretty old. Minnie ought to be about 62. Inez about 42. She use to be just like Susie an not much older than her last time I saw her. Dont seem posible that she is that old.
Well cotton picking is practialy here. The mex have all ready moved in. About one more week. Cotton dont look as if it would make to much.
Looks as if pickers were goeing to be more plentiful this year.
Well I guess this is all for this time. George an Blanch have just come an I will have to stop.
Yours truly
HH Hutto
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