Letter from Ruby Flinn Petrie
Effie-Dean Rogan Giles
February 14, 1950
2001 N.W. 16th
Okla. City, Okla.
Feb. 14, 1950
Dear Effie Dean:
Thanks so very much for the information you sent me. I am sending all these dates on to Mr. Love, and it may be some time before I get what I expect him to send me. However here is a copy of data I have gathered from here and there and everywhere authentic, Im sure. Some I copied from gravestones. When you do go to Hutto, I wish you would send me Uncle Charlies birthdate from his tombstone.
I have been interested in genea1ogy for a long time Aunt Annie can vouch for that. Im always writing her for some information. I still do not have much on Grandmothers family. I have a grand record of the Petries for my boys coat-of-arms and everything! While I did not use the card Im enclosing, you might write to the address given and ask about a Flinn or rather "OFlyn" coat of arms. I imagine there are so many OFlyns or Flinns in Ireland it would be rather difficult, dont you?
Mr. Love told me one could find most anything at the Newberry Library in Chicago. I intend to go there on our next trip East. We intend to visit Arthurs relatives in Quincy Ill. as soon as we can, and to look up family records In Cook Co. Howard Petrie, the radio announcer, is Arthurs first cousin, I have the most complete record of Arthurs mother.
Perhaps, if you would ask at the State Library for a book on Family Coat-of-Arms, they might have it, (a picture) there in the Historical Research Department.
Mr. Love told me our great grandfather, Isiah, was a breeder of fine horses. He had $4,500.00 when he died, which was quite a bit of cash in those days. I certainly want to go back over there before Cousin Felix dies, and go to Bolivar and pick up all the family history possible.
Do hope you are well of your cold. Had mine just before Christmas. Id be thrilled to death to have you and Elsie come up any time, or any of the relations.
Ruby Petrie
or on to Dr. John C. Flinn and Susan McGuire life during the Civil War, or FLINN surnames