Postal Card from Ruby Flinn
Effie-Dean Rogan Giles
Saturday, February 18, 1950
Dear EffieDean:
Have just learned through Carroll writing to Hardie, and H. finding out from
Viola, that Uncle Charlie was born August 28, 1866 in Tennessee and died July 7, 1945.
That is all except Pat wrote Mildred, but have not heard from her.
I would never have written Viola for any information, but Carroll was writing
to Hardie about another matter, so he asked him and , believe me, I was surprised
when Carroll called last night and told me Hardie had gotten the information from
Viola He wrote Carroll to "ask Ruby for family records" - ha, ha - not knowing I was
the one wanting this.
Ruby Petrie
or on to Dr. John C. Flinn and Susan McGuire life during the Civil War, the Teague Family , or FLINN surnames