Ishmael Bailey and James McGuire
Madison County, TN
One stormy day in 1847, Rachel Bailey McGuire was standing near the fireplace in the kitchen She was skimming milk and
placing the rich, thick cream into a crock churn. Suddenly a bolt of lightening crashed against the side of the house and Rachel was instantly killed.
Susan Frances nee McGuire Flinn, our ancestor shared the above story with her children and grandchildren. Susan was about 10 years of age when her mother was was killed by lighting. By 1850 Susan and her two brothers were living with her
maternal Grandfather Bailey. Her sister Mary was in the home of her father's sister, Aunt Mattie nee McGuire Blair.
For sometime We did not know Grandfather Bailey's first name or much about him. I am pleased that we now know his first name, "Ishmael".
I looked at all the Baileys in the 1850 census of Madison County TN. I began looking for
McGuire children that were supposed to be living with their Grandpa Bailey. When I found Susan Frances and her brothers, George and David Perry McGuire
in Ishmael's household. Walla! The connection. This technique only works well from 1850 forward. Prior to 1850 only the Head of Households are listed in the Census records.
Ishmael Bailey was born about 1792 in North Carolina. He probably married in or around 1810-1812. He and his wife who may have been married in NC appear to have had 3 daughters based on census records. Their eldest daughter may have been born between 1810-1815, or a short time after their marriage. When the Bailey's moved to Tennessee is unclear although evidence suggest prior to 1830.
Source: Madison County TN Census Records 1830, 1840, 1850
The 1838 School Census of District 2*, Madison County, TN reflects Ishmael had 1 child still attending school.
*District 2 is in the Medon, TN area
Other facts exist from the ACCOUNT BOOK OF HENRY SHARP PARKER ( 2 transactions where Ishmael is mentioned are below. Exerts of this log are available at the Parker Family Web site )
Nov. 1832-1839 Ishmael Bailey
Although I do not have the original Account book, nor do I know who has it although I suspect some of the Parker family in Medon may have it. The fact that Ishmael and Henry Parker were partners of some sort for 7 years the fact that Henry was designated as the executor of his estate suggested to me a relationship beyond just friends. But what is that relationship?
Jan. 1833 to Ishmael Bailey dr to cash paid in Jackson - $20.00
Ishmael is identified as living in Madison County Tenn. in the 1830, 1840 and 1850 census records. ( see below) While the 1850 census records reflect he was born in North Carolina, I was unable to find him in the 1820 N.Carolina or Tennessee Census records. Ishmael is identified in Tennessee Wills WB-6-80 of Madison County, Tennessee. The will is dated 1855 which suggest he died that year. ( The Will is actually a probate of his estate )
Tennessee Wills WB-6-80 , turned out to be the disposition of Ishmael's estate. Evidently Ishmael passed away in 1854. David Hardie Parker was the executor of the estate. ( My present theory remains that Ishmael was probably married to Henry S. Parker's sister, which would account for David Hardie Parker as the executor of the estate. David would have been a nephew. ( Actually , Henry S. Parker was designated the executor of the estate, but due to his untimely death in the spring of 1855, his son David and son in law, Robert Reeves disposed of the estate)
When you consider that in 1790, North Carolina ceded her western lands which included Washington, Davidson, Hawkins,
Greene, Sullivan, Sumner, and Tennessee counties, to the federal government. Between 1790 and 1796 the territory was known as Tennessee Territory, but in 1796 it became simply Tennessee, the sixteenth state in the Union. It is understandable how some early residence might list their birth in both locations at different census.
Isham Bailey1838 Aug 21 TN, Lincoln Co Smith, Susan
Isham Bailey 1854 Dec 17 TN, Gibson Co Betts,Sarah
Ishmael Bailey1836 Oct 29 TN, Sumner Co Adams, Jane
Ishmal Bailey1847 may 24 TN,Carroll Co Stephenson, Mary1830 Census information on Ishmael Bailey
In 1830 there were approximately 1100 families living in Madison County TN. Ishmael and his family was one of them.
6 individuals are listed in the household in the 1830 census page # 70
1 males between 30-40
2 females under age 5-10
1 female under age 10- 15 Either of these individuals could have been Rachel Bailey, their mother of Susan and children
1 female under age 15- 20 Either " "
1 females ages 40-50Ishmael owned no slaves
1840 Census information on Ishmael Bailey
Ishmael is identified as owning no slaves. There are 4 people identified in his home. 1 20-30 year old Male and himself, identified as a 40-50 year old male. Additionally there are 2 Females, ages 15-20 years old.
This information suggests Ishmael was a widower, with his wife having died since the last census. It appears that he had 3 of his children still in the house or a spouse of 1 of his children. We will see that Ishmael remarries in 1847 based on Carroll County Marriage Records. Ishmael had evidently lost his wife between 1830-1840. Ishmael and the other male member of the Household's occupation is listed as in the Agriculture trade.
Source page 109 of the Madison County, TN 1840 Census Records
1850 Census information
The 1850 census records tell us a little more. First that Ishmael is age 58 years old and was born in North Carolina.
The household consists of
Ishmael age 58 NC
Mary 53 age 53 SC
George B. MaGuire - Note the MaGuire rather than McGuire (may be a census takers error again)
Susan F. age 13
David P. age 9
Madison County, TN 70-732Note, Mary McGuire the children's sister was enumerated in the household of George Blair and their Aunt Margaret " Mattie" nee McGuire Blair, also living in Gibson, TN. That Household consisted of George D. Blair 50, Martha 38, Mary McGuire 11, Cornelus Dickey 22
Additional 1850 info. Living next door to Ishmael is a Bailey Latham age 44 and wife Harriet, age 38. Children are James M 13, Lucretia 12, Enoch 10, Thomas J. 6, John D. 4, Zachary 1, Mary D. David 33
Is there some significance that Mr. Lathan's first name being Bailey?.
LDS on line
These are the hits from LDS on line as researched by Rebecca Wilson.
4. Ishmael BAILEY - International Genealogical Index/North America
Gender: M Marriage: 24 May 1847 Carroll', 'Tennessee (this is marriage is to
Mary Stephenson. This is the Mary in in the 1850 census
5. Ishmael BAILEY - International Genealogical Index/North America
Gender: M Birth: 1792 Madison', 'Tennessee (film no. 1903567-no other info)
6. Ishmael BAILEY - International Genealogical Index/North America
Gender: M Marriage: [< 1818 <>, Madison, Tennessee (film no. 1903617) doesn't
state marriage info.
7. Ishmael BAILEY - International Genealogical Index/North America
Gender: M 1790 Of', Powhatan, 'Virginia (this only states that he is a
relative of James D. Bailey, film no. 184278,page no. 1011, reference no.
8. Ishmael BAILEY - International Genealogical Index/North America
Gender: M Birth: [ 1837 Hart', 'Georgia(relative of Obadiah C. Bailey)
9. Ishmael BAILEY - International Genealogical Index/North America
Gender: M Birth: 1790 Of Pawhatan, Virginia(film no. 178145, page no. 317,
reference no. 83857- again just states that James D. Bailey is a relative.James McGuire and Rachel Bailey, daughter of Ishmael Bailey, met and married around or prior to
1834. As early as 1830, Rachel's family was in living in Madison County, TN. ( Source : 1830 census ) This would suggestion that she probably married James in and or in close proximity to Madison County, TN. Where they were married exactly is unknown as we have found no records to that effect. The facts support that following their marriage, James and Rachel took up housekeeping in Madison County, Tennessee and had a child, George around 1835. ( based on the 1840 and 1850 Madison County, TN census records ) The 1840 census records reflect 3 children in their home as well as another adult couple.
According to the 1880 Census, Susan nee McGuire Flinn and her sister Mary nee McGuire McMordie both reported the birth place of both their parents as in the state of North Carolina. Based on the 1840 census, James' and his wife's' birth dates are established at between 1810-1820. ( 1840 Census Records of Madison County, TN. )
James occupation in the 1840 Census is listed as "Manufactor and Trades" Also the 1840 census tells us he owned no slaves.
This at least tells us that James McGuire was not a farmer by trade as were most men in his day. A G.W. McGuire is identified in the 1850 Census as a saddle maker in Medon TN. (Saddler G.W. McGuire, age 33 from N.C. G.W. is living with the H.B. Ferrell family a household or two from where John Flinn was enumerated. ) A G. W. McGuire latter married John and Susan McGuire. Coincidence or was G W McGuire a relative? Possible the trade that James was involved in was Saddle making also, as was his possible brother G. W. McGuire. George is mentioned here.
We understand that Rachel was killed one stormy day in 1847 while she was standing near the fireplace in her kitchen Shewas skimming milk and placing the rich, thick cream into a crock churn. Suddenly a bolt of lightening crashed against the side of the house and Rachel was instantly killed. ( this story is told by descendants of both the McGuire daughter's )
Susan Frances nee McGuire Flinn, our ancestor shared the above story with her children and grandchildren. Susan was about 10 years of age when her mother was was killed by lighting. By 1850 She and her siblings brothers were living with hermaternal Grandfather Bailey. Her sister Mary was in the home of her father's sister, Aunt Mattie nee McGuire Blair.
As to what became of James McGuire is uncertain. The more one knows about American History, there is a good chance that James became a 49er. Following Rachel 's death in 1847 it is possible he headed West to make his fortune and met his maker sometime before 1855.
This document reflects that James was deceased by 1855. Other than this document we know no more of his death.
Source :From the Tennessee Archives
1855 wb-6-74 (Ma). We received that referenced document is a probate for distribution of funds to the minor children of James McGuire ( deceased ) after the death of their guardian Henry S. Parker. These minor children were George B., Susan F., David P., and Mary McGuire.
Children of JAMES McGuire and RACHEL BAILEY are:
i. GEORGE B.3 MCGUIRE, b. Abt. 1835 (Source: 1850 Census Madison County, TN.); d. Bet. 1861 - 1864. Said to have died in the Civil War and was as a Calvary man under the command of Nathan Bedford Forrest.
ii. SUSAN FRANCES MCGUIRE, b. February 11, 1837, Medon, Tenn..; d. September 27, 1916, Hutto, Williamson County, Texas; m. DR. JOHN CARROLL FLINN (Source: 1850 Census.), August 13, 1856, Madison County, TN; b. July 25, 1830, Bolivar, Hardeman, Tenn.; d. July 18, 1895, Hutto, Williamson County , Texas.
Marriage Records for Madison Co., TN list John C. Flin to Susan F. McGuire _ Wedding performed by G.W. McGuire, J.P. ( George may have been James' brother )
iii. MARY LOUISE MCGUIRE, b. February 08, 1839, Madison Co., Tennessee; d. May 22, 1925, Hardeman Co., Texas (Source: OB Gatesville Messenger, June 5, 1925.); m. FRANCIS MCMORDIE, February 24, 1857, Williamson Co., Texas; b. June 14, 1832, Montgomery Co., Tenn.; d. December 14, 1905, Hamilton, Hamilton, Texas
iv. County, DAVID PERRY MCGUIRE, b. Abt. 1841, Madison Tennessee (Source: 1850 Census Madison County, TN.); d. Bet. 1861 - 1865.: Said to have died in the Civil War, possible of Measles.
The two boys were said to have given their lives during the Civil War while Mary, who was living with the Blair family, moved to Texas with her Aunt Mattie in the mid 1850s. Susan lived with her "Uncle" Henry Parker family of Medon, TN following her Grandfather Ishmael Bailey's death at the end of 1854 until her marriage August 13, 1856 to Dr. John Flinn
As a sub note , we find Campbell McGuire sold a slave to a James McGuire. Bill of Sale dated April , 1847. This could be a basis to link him as a relative or father of James McGuire. ( bill of sale info from Tom Flinn) As to if this is our James, I'm uncertain. Was this a father selling property to a son?
1840 Census information on James McGuire
James married Rachel Bailey, daughter of Ishmael Bailey. James and Rachel are listed as living in Madison County, TN. on page 91 of the 1840 census records.
8 individuals are listed in the household in the 1840 census
1 male age 5-10 - This would meet the age for George McGuire ( David Perry wasn't born till 1841)
2 males between 20-30
2 females under age 5 This would meet the age range for Susan and Mary
1 female under age 15- 20
2 females ages 20-30No Slaves are listed in the household
The occupation of the 2 males is listed as "Manufactor and Trades"
This at least tells us that James McGuire was not a farmer by trade as were most men in his day. A G. W. McGuire is identified in the 1850 Census as a saddle maker in Medon TN. (Saddler G.W. McGuire, age 33 from N.C. G.W. is living with the H. B. Ferrell family a household or two from where John Flinn was enumerated. )Maybe it is possible that the other male in James home above was a brother by the name of George possible? And possible the trade that James was involved in was Saddle making also. George is mentioned here
Rachel is said to have been killed by lighting in 1847 at which point the children were placed with Grandpa Bailey and Aunt Mattie Blair and later with Henry S. Parker ( presumed to be a relative of the Bailey or McGuire family). Other documents
suggest that James died also. As of 1855 wb-6-74 (Ma). referenced document record the probate for distribution of funds to the minor children of James McGuire after the death of their guardian Henry S. Parker. These minor children were George B., Susan F., David P., and Mary McGuire.
The 1840 Census Records reflect a William Parker living in close proximity to James McGuire. Maybe this would be a link to the Parker family. I have found a Sarah McGuire that married a William Parker in Chowan County, NC in 1790.
The oldest male in the William Parker Household noted above in the 1840 census is 15 years old. It may have been that the enumerator list William Jr. due to the death of William Sr. ? More research would be required here to establish a relationship to the above named Parker family.
TN - the 1810 and 1820 Census- reflects no Flinns or Baileys
1830 - Flinn, Bailey and McGuires in Madison and surrounding counties
David McGuire - Madison County, TN- 0011101-002001 page 96- 1 male 15-20, 1 males 20-30 and another 40-50- no slaves
David McGwire - Gibson Co. TN
Campell McGuire - Hardeman TN, Oldest male age 30-40 - Campbell was about the same age as Ishmael
Isaiah Flin- Hardeman County, TN - 10011-0001 page 375, 1 male 15-20 and another male 20-30
Martin Flinn - Hardeman Co, TN - 200001-00001 , Oldest Male age 30-40 - Martin is the only other Flinn living in Hardeman Co and could be a sibling of Isaiah? page 352
Eastern TN
Rial Flin - Eastern TN
Joseph Flinn - "
Sarah Flinn - "
William Flinn - "
James Flinn - "
Nancy Flinn - "
Peter Flinn - "
Loughlin - "
Other Bailey and McGuires in Madison and surrounding counties 1840Madison County 1840 Census
Ishmael Bailey age 48 page 109
John Bailey age 30-40 page 76 possible brother to Ishmael?
Burrell Bailey age 40-50 93 possible brother to Ishmael?
William Bailey age 60-70 116 Could be Ishmael's Dad?
Richard Bailey 116 possible brother to Ishmael?
Peatrick Bailey 116 "Hardeman County TN
Zebadee Baily page 309
William " " 300
Leban " " 302
Campbell McGuire age 50-60Henderson County TN
James Bailey page 355
Hardin County TN
Halladay McGuire age 50-60
Gibson County TN
Dr. John C. Flinn and Susan McGuire life during the Civil War | the Teague Family | Flinn Family
Other Sites Medon, TN | Parker Family of Medon, TN | Henderson County, TN | Madison Co. TN Queries
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Marvin Schubert
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Revised: October 25, 2003.